Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Status of Mt Bromo Raised

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pasuruan, The activity of Mr Bromo in East Java has increased, raising its status from alert on Tuesday (23/11) at 8 am to watch out at 4.30 pm.

The increased activity of Mt Bromo monitored by the Geology Disaster Volcanology and Mitigation Center at the observation post in Ngadisari, Cemorolawang, Probolinggo, had been distributed to the regional administrations close to the mountain.

Head of the Pasuruan regency relevant authorities M. Yahya said to have received a notification on the increased status of the mountain by way of the East Java energy and mineral retources agency.

According to the observation post in Ngadisari, Cemorolawang, Probolinggo, the volcanic quakes had increased since November 8, 2010.

In view of the increased status of the mountain, the people living near the mountain has been told to remain calm.

The people had been told not to get near the active crater, which had been closed to all public activities.

The activity of the mountain included the rising of thin wittish smoke, low pressure at an altitude of 75-150 meters from the peak, and the strong smell of sulphur.

In the 20th century Mt Bromo has erupted three times in a period of 30 years. The strongest eruption took place in 1974 and the lastest on June 8, 2004, with its smoke reaching an altitude of 3.000 meters from the crater. Two people were killed, and five injured.


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