Managing Director of Asia Pasific Operations, CFA Institute, Ashvin Vibhakar said in Jakarta Monday that of the total number of CFA recipients, six came from Indonesia, bringing the total number of Indonesian certificate holders to 116 orang.
Right now there are close to 14,500 CFA shareholders in the Asia Pasific region, and there are more than 94,000 certificate holders in the world, he said.
He said that to obtain a CIA certificate, one needs to follow three difficult tests, namely promise to abide by the code of ethics and standard professional behaviour of CIA, and work for at least four years.
The economic and dynamic condition of the Asia Pasific region had increased requests for professionals in finance and investment, because the region consisted of major developing countries, country with a rapid economic growth and many very active stock exchanges.
The CFA certifate holders have demonstrated their capacity, integrity, dedication and are in the right position to hava a successful career in the rapidly growing global financial industry, the press release said.
The countries which are substantially holding the certificate are the advanced markets like Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia and also the growing market like China, India and Korea..
The growth of the number of CFA cirtificate holers was proof of an increase in the belief of the importance of the application of business ethics for global financial stability.
The CFA certificate is recognized throughout the world by big companies professional in the financial sector, investors and regulators as the highest standard to fathom capacity and ethical standards of financial professionals.
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