Chris John`s promotor, Raja Sapta Oktohari, when contacted here on Wednesday, said "barring unforeseen obstacles" Chris John would defend his title again next October.
"I am ready to be Chris John`s promotor again for the October match," said Raja Sapta Oktohari who is popularly called Okto.
Okto had been Chris John`s promotor twice.
The first time was when John fought Argentinian boxer Fernando Saucedo in Jakarta on December 5, 2010 and the second time when John faced Daud Jordan also in Jakarta on April 17, 2011
Asked about who will be Chris John`s rival in October, Okto said, until now the question was still being negotiated.
"We are still negotiating to decide the proper rival for Chris John in October," Okto said.
Chris John has defended his title 14 times since he grabbed it from Colombian boxer Oscar Leon in Bali in September 2003.
In the meantime, Chris John who was contacted separately, said that until now he did not know about plans for his next title fight, including a possible rematch with Daud Jordan.
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